See Me In My Greatness
Psalm 2:11 The Passion Translation (TPT)
11 Serve and worship the awe-inspiring God.
Recognize his greatness and bow before him,
trembling with reverence in his presence.[a]

During the last week of June, Holy Spirit called me and my church to a three day consecration. As we were closing out the first six months of this year, the purpose of the consecration was to get instructions for the next six months. Holy Spirit delivered to me a very powerful, personal, and prophetic word from God that I would like to share with you, my friends. I don’t know where you are in your journey, but I believe this word will help to propel you into the greater things of God if you receive it by faith.
Journal Entry (June 26, 2018) - See Me In My Greatness!!
I need the people to see Me in my greatness!
Don’t look at what you need in comparison to your weakness.
When you do that you begin to feel hopeless and rightly so.
It is not in your power to produce what you need.
Shift your focus off of you and see Me in my greatness!!
See me in my omnipotence!
In my omniscience!
Compare every need that you have; everything that you desire; every promise that I have made;
Compare it to My greatness.
I am God and beside me there is no other God!!!
I AM supernatural and I provide supernaturally.
I heal supernaturally!
When you see Me in my greatness, you will see my greatness show up in your life.
When you see Me in my greatness your faith will grow and it will draw Me to your needs.
When your faith grows you EXPECT ME to show up.
I show up where faith expects me to show up!
I don’t respond to fear.
I respond to faith.
Faith moves! Fear stifles!
When you see ME in my greatness you will no longer be stuck, stifled, or stressed by fear.
Instead, you will step into faith and you will begin to move in those places, things, areas where you have been fearfully waiting on ME to show up!
Faith doesn’t wait in fear; faith moves in EXPECTATION and that’s when I show up in MY greatness!
Hebrews 10:38 Passion Translation - My righteous ones will live from MY faith. But if fear holds them back, MY soul is not content with them.
Luke 12:32 Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
I invite you to see ME in my greatness!!!!
Psalm 24:1 - The earth is the Lord’s , and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein.
See Me in My Greatness!!!