Move Your Mouth to Move Your Mountain
By Karen Jethroe
Matthew 17:20 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
20 ...For truly I say to you, if you have faith [[b]that is living] like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, Move from here to yonder place, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.
One of the things that I love about having a verbal relationship with the Lord is that He truly does speak back to those who speak to Him (Jeremiah 33:3). There are so many Christian people who don’t know this. They don’t know that God will speak to your spirit. He will have a conversation with you beyond the words that you read in the bible.
Let me give you one of my recent experiences. Last Sunday at the end of church service, the Holy Spirit told me to tell the church members to expect “God” encounters this week. In our church, we have a growing hunger to see the favor of God show up in any and all areas of our lives. So this word from the Holy Spirit raised my level of expectation. It was as if God had given us a timeline to go by. If you know anything about believing and waiting on God to do anything, then you can imagine why this was the best news ever. We were about to see God’s “demonstrated delight”, also known as divine favor, to show up for us.
Now, God did not say which way He would show up and because of that, I wasn’t really sure what to look for. My list is long so it’s not as if I haven’t provided Him with options. But what would it be? Healing? Finances? Relationships? Family issues? Revival? Or maybe, all of the aforementioned.
Well, this morning while in the shower, I heard the voice of God speak to me and say, “March is Mountain Moving Month”. I will take something the size of a mustard seed to move something the size of a mountain!”
I was so excited with this word from the Lord that I rushed to get out of the shower so I could write it down exactly as He said it to me. It is March and God is ready to move my mountain(s)!!!! I quickly made the notation on my phone and was ready to run out and share this word with the church. However, I felt a tug in my spirit that was letting me know that God was not done talking.
One sure way of knowing if you have heard from God is if you can back it up with His word. Otherwise, it’s just your flesh or the devil doing the talking. As my day progressed I was still pondering what the Lord had said to me. What more did He want to say? Finally, I heard Him say, “But, you must give me something to work with.” I didn’t say it out loud but my thought was, “Like what?” And without me saying anything, His word speaks up for Him:
Matthew 17:20 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
20 ...For truly I say to you, if you have faith [[b]that is living] like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, Move from here to yonder place, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.
Immediately I realized that God wanted me to see what He was saying to me and not just hear it. He was expanding my understanding of what I could have if I just say it. He was giving me a heads up of what the month of March could be like if I opened my mouth and allowed living faith to speak out. He was willing to partner with me if my faith would allow it.
Why does God use the analogy of the mustard seed? It’s because even though it is a very small seed, it’s potential is massive. A mustard seed is about one to two millimeters in size. Yet, the brush can grow upwards of 20 to 30 feet tall and wide in only a few months.
One of the things that I believe Holy Spirit was trying to teach me in this divine encounter is that regardless of the size of my faith, if it is alive it has the potential to move mountain size problems. But, only if I say it! In other words, this kind of faith does not work by silence. Regardless of how I might feel about it or what I think about, if I don’t speak to it nothing will change!
The second thing God wanted me to see is that He was not going to move the mountain by His actions alone. That’s not how a partnership works. If the mountain would move it would be because ‘I’ said so. It is because I did what God told me to do... you can say to this mountain, Move from here to yonder place, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.
When I read the text this time it shifted some things in my prayer life. I realized that I was asking God to do what He basically told me to do. No wonder nothing had changed!!! Tradition, religion, ignorance, and shortsightedness were all culprits in keeping me from utilizing the power of the faith that is alive inside of me. Waiting on God to do what He told me to do caused doubt and discouragement to live in me with little or no expectation of change. I was comparing the SIZE of my faith to the SIZE of my mountain. I hadn’t realized that LITTLE faith had BIG power!
When we pray to God about mountain-size issues, it’s because we know that He can handle it. We know that there is NOTHING impossible or too hard for Him. But in this text, God shifts part of the ability off of Him and renders it to us. Look at what He says, and nothing will be impossible to you.
Sometimes God really makes me laugh! This is one of those moments. My divine encounter moment with God is Him telling me that whatever mountain is in my way, as impossible as it may seem, I can tell it to move and it will get out of my way!!! March is Mountain Moving month!! In other words, March will be what I make it be!! If I say it, I will see it!!!
I don’t know about you, but I am going to take God at His word. I am going to take up my responsibility and use my mouth to move my mountain! My faith will cause the impossible to become possible!!! I hope you will do the same!!!